Sunday, November 15, 2009

This week I have been reading about learning and how the brain functions. I have also been reading about cognition and metacognitive processes. An excellent online resource that I would like to recommend if you want additional information on this subject is News from the Neurosciences, a module found on the New Horizons for Learning website.

The New Horizons for Learning website is a plethora of great information about learning and education. But the News from the Neurosciences webpage contains articles that discuss how the brain works in learning. One of the articles I read, “12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action” reveals the author’s journey from student to educator to expert in learning theories. It is a short but interesting read that is sometimes biographical but other times provides good information about learning.

Another fascinating article that I read on the News from the Neurosciences webpage is entitled, “Optimizing Memory in the Adult Brain for Effectiveness in a Multitasking Society.” I would highly recommend this article if you want information about the adult brain and learning challenges encountered by adult learners.

The second online resource that I am recommending is an article simply entitled, “Metacognition.” This article is an easy read that covers the basics of metacognitive strategies. Perfect for novices like me!

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